Sunday, July 31, 2005

aMSN tip

Since aMSN 0.95b (11/07/2005 in my case), it says that TkCximage is needed to run aMSN and it can be compiled with the makefile inside amsn folder. To compile it, tcl-dev and tk-dev are needed. Compiling is done as usual: ./configure and make.

In this version, compilation happens in 3 places: utils/TkCximage/, utils/webcamsn/ and utils/linux/capture/ with creation of utils/TkCximage/, utils/webcamsn/, utils/linux/capture/, utils/linux/capture/libng/plugins/, and utils/linux/capture/libng/plugins/ Then files .c, .h, .o can be deleted to save spaces in these directories.

Disable logo: rename skins/default/pixmaps/logolinmsn.png (or comment the line ::skin::setPixmap logolinmsn logolinmsn.gif in gui.tcl, but there will be a blank line insteads).

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